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Deriving and building an image generative model from scratch

Figure 1:A sample from OpenAI’s text-to-video model Sora showing a surreal and expedited lifecycle of a flower.

Hello! This self-contained notebook will derive how to arrive at a skeleton of contemporary continuous-variable generative models from scratch.

You are certain to have interacted in some form or another with some artificially generated content in your daily life. It may be some you made yourself, for creative purposes like the the growing flower depicted in the video above courtesy of OpenAI’s Sora model, or one you came across online (for better or for worse). Below we will go through a pedagogical tour through some of the mathematics behind these models and a step-by-step procedure of how to build them ourselves.


  1. We’ll start with stating what the learning problem is -- finding a map T:RdRdT: \mathbb R^d \rightarrow \mathbb R^d between to probability densities, and describe some ways people have thought about constructing it in the past.
  2. Because we will suggest a continuous-time mapping between the two distributions, we’ll lay out some of the mathematics underpinning this, separate from any generative models or neural networks. This will give us an intuition about ODEs and SDEs.
  3. Then we’ll explain how these ideas can be used to build generative models. From there, we’ll build a toy generative model to complete the picture. Then, learn about more expressive neural networks used to in large scale image generation technologies built on these methods.

Dynamical Transport as a generative model

Let’s state plainly what our goals are: given some data x1Rdx_1 \in \mathbb R^d that are sampled according to some unknown probability density ρ1\rho_1, learn a model ρ^1\hat \rho_1 for this distribution that allows us to draw new samples from it. A salient way to do this is to learn a map TT that connects points x0x_0 from some simple distribution with density ρ0\rho_0 to points x1=T(x0)x_1 = T(x_0). The characteristics of this map will thereby also tell us how ρ0\rho_0 is adapted into some ρ1\rho_1.

The predominant way to formulate this problem in recent literature is to think about a continuous adaptation of ρ0\rho_0 into ρ1\rho_1, which we will call ρt\rho_t indexed by a some time variable t[0,1]t \in [0, 1]. The paradigmatic method for doing this is score-based/denoising diffusion (Ho et al. (2020), Song et al. (2020)), in which independent Gaussian noise is iteratively denoised into an image. On a per-sample basis, generating an image of a flower, say, might look like what is depicted in Figure 2.

A continuous deformation of Gaussian noise into an image of a flower.

Figure 2:A continuous deformation of Gaussian noise into an image of a flower.

In what follows we’ll analyze the equations that the density ρt\rho_t and the sample xtx_t must obey to properly perform this generation. Along the way, we’ll derive some algorithms for learning models of the coefficients in the resulting equations that will give us our generative model.

Transporting densities and their samples: Continuity equation and characteristic curves

However we adapt ρt\rho_t into ρ1\rho_1, we want to ensure that it remains a valid probability density, meaning that the evolution of ρt\rho_t conserves probability mass. Let’s think about how that might come about by imagining probability mass as a fluid, in a simple 3-dimensional example. Assume we have an incremental volume element of 3D space dV=dxdydzdV = dx dy dz as depicted in Figure 3. Given that ρt\rho_t is the density of probability mass at time tt and at point xx, we can label the direction and magnitude of motion of that mass with a velocity field bt(x):[0,1]×RdRdb_t(x): [0,1] \times \mathbb R^d \rightarrow \mathbb R^d.

Intuitive derivation of the continuity equation: an incremental volume element (the cube) through which fluid flows primarily in the ( y )-direction, used to elucidate the continuity equation \partial_t \rho_t + \nabla \cdot (b_t \rho_t) = 0 . The incoming and outgoing probability fluxes across the y-faces of the cube are represented by the red arrows, labeled with the probability fluxes b_t^y \rho_t dx dz and (b_t^y \rho_t + \left( \frac{\partial}{\partial y} b_t^y \rho_t \right) dy) dx dz.  The net change in density within the cube (\partial_t \rho_t ) is due to the net flux in the y-direction. Similar contributions from the x- and z-directions lead to the divergence term \nabla \cdot (b_t \rho_t). This balance ensures mass conservation in the fluid flow, as expressed by the continuity equation.

Figure 3:Intuitive derivation of the continuity equation: an incremental volume element (the cube) through which fluid flows primarily in the ( y )-direction, used to elucidate the continuity equation tρt+(btρt)=0\partial_t \rho_t + \nabla \cdot (b_t \rho_t) = 0 . The incoming and outgoing probability fluxes across the yy-faces of the cube are represented by the red arrows, labeled with the probability fluxes btyρtdxdzb_t^y \rho_t dx dz and (btyρt+(ybtyρt)dy)dxdz(b_t^y \rho_t + \left( \frac{\partial}{\partial y} b_t^y \rho_t \right) dy) dx dz. The net change in density within the cube (tρt\partial_t \rho_t ) is due to the net flux in the yy-direction. Similar contributions from the xx- and zz-directions lead to the divergence term (btρt)\nabla \cdot (b_t \rho_t). This balance ensures mass conservation in the fluid flow, as expressed by the continuity equation.

Let’s consider motion only in the y^\hat y direction as per the figure. By dimensional analysis we can conclude that the incremental flux of probability entering the incremental volume element through the (x,z)(x,z) plane is given by btyρtdxdzb_t^{y} \rho_t dx dz, where the superscript is used to label the velocity in the y^\hat y direction. This flux may change at an incremental element dydy farther along in space, which we can estimate through taylor expansion as:

ρt(x+dy^)bt(x+dy^)ρtbty+y(ρtbty)dy+12!2y2(ρtbty)(dy)2+...\rho_t(x + d\hat y)b_t(x + d\hat y) \approx \rho_t b_t^y + \frac{\partial}{\partial y}(\rho_t b_t^y) dy + \frac{1}{2!} \cancel{\frac{\partial^2}{\partial y^2}(\rho_t b_t^y)(dy)^2} + ...

where we only keep the first order term. Since the term on the RHS is the net flux out of the incremental volume, we can conclude that the change in probability mass at any time due to flow in the y^\hat y direction reads as ybtyρtdxdydz-\partial_y b_t^y \rho_t dx dy dz. The same holds for flux in the x^\hat x and z^\hat z directions. Writing this out explicitly as the time derivative of the probability density, we have

tρt+x(ρtbtx)+y(ρtbty)+z(ρtbtz)=0tρt+(btρt)=0ρt=0=ρ0.\begin{align} &\partial_t \rho_t + \partial_x (\rho_t b_t^x) + \partial_y (\rho_t b_t^y) + \partial_z (\rho_t b_t^z) = 0 \\ & \boxed{\partial_t \rho_t + \nabla \cdot(b_t \rho_t) = 0 \quad \rho_{t=0} = \rho_0}. \end{align}

This is the continuity equation for the density ρt\rho_t and the velocity field btb_t, where we have included the initial condition that at time t=0t=0, we start from our base distribution ρ0\rho_0. This equation is essential an equation of probability mass conservation. If we want to find a map between ρ0\rho_0 and ρ1\rho_1, then the time dependent density ρt\rho_t arising from our map must solve (2). How do we find such a btb_t and ρt\rho_t to perform the transport? Eyeballing (2), things don’t look great as this is a partial differential equation (PDE). Thankfully, there is a handy trick that goes by the method of characteristics which will allow us to instead solve a family of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) that are much easier to work with. We will apply it to state the following proposition, borrowing from how it is stated in Albergo & Vanden-Eijnden (2024):

Here, we introduced the probability flow ODE, whose solutions give us characteristic curves along which we can solve (2) and produce samples xtρtx_t \sim \rho_t. In particular, solving the probability flow ODE up to time t=1t=1 will give us our map Xt=1(x0)=T(x0)=x1X_{t=1}(x_0) = T(x_0) = x_1 to draw samples from ρ1\rho_1. The proof, which elucidates this point, is given in the dropdown bar below.

Proof 1

We want to solve the PDE:

tρt+(btρt)=0ρt=0=ρ0\begin{align} \partial_t \rho_t + \nabla \cdot (b_t \rho_t) = 0 \quad \rho_{t=0} = \rho_0 \end{align}

for ρt\rho_t. To do this, we want to find characteristic curves Xt(x)X_t(x), with Xt=0(x)=xX_{t=0}(x) = x along which the total derivative of ρt\rho_t w.r.t tt can be computed with known quantities and no other derivatives, thereby reducing the PDE, which we don’t know how to solve, into an ODE, which we do!

Taking the totaly derivative of ρt(Xt(x))\rho_t(X_t(x)), we have using the chain rule

ddtρt(Xt(x))=tρt(Xt(x))+ρt(Xt(x))X˙t(x),\begin{align} \frac{d}{dt} \rho_t(X_t(x)) = \partial_t \rho_t(X_t(x)) + {\color{blue} \nabla \rho_t(X_t(x))\cdot \dot X_t(x)}, \end{align}

where we have intentionally color-coded some terms. Next, note that we can expand the divergence term in (2) so that

tρt+btρt=btρt.\begin{align} \partial_t \rho_t + {\color{blue} b_t \cdot \nabla \rho_t} = - \nabla \cdot b_t \rho_t. \end{align}

Terms in blue are terms with ρt\nabla \rho_t that we’d like to simplify. Where does the probability flow ODE come in? If we deliberately choose X˙t(x)=bt(Xt(x))\dot X_t(x) = b_t(X_t(x)) with appropriate initial condition Xt=0(x)=xX_{t=0}(x) = x, then we have that ρtbt=ρtX˙t\nabla \rho_t \cdot b_t = \nabla \rho_t \cdot \dot X_t. Using this fact and (7) we can write

ddtρt(Xt(x))=bt(Xt(x))ρt(Xt(x))ρt(Xt(x))bt(Xt(x))+ρt(Xx(x))bt(Xt(x))\begin{align} \frac{d}{dt} \rho_t(X_t(x)) = - \cancel{b_t(X_t(x))\cdot \nabla \rho_t(X_t(x))} - &\rho_t(X_t(x)) \nabla\cdot b_t(X_t(x)) \\ + &\cancel{\nabla \rho_t(X_x(x)) \cdot b_t(X_t(x))} \\ \end{align}

so that

ddtρt(Xt(x))=ρt(Xt(x))bt(Xt(x)).\begin{align} \frac{d}{dt} \rho_t(X_t(x)) = - \rho_t(X_t(x)) \nabla\cdot b_t(X_t(x)). \end{align}

This is an ODE to describe the evolution of ρt\rho_t along curves XtX_t, which can be solved straightfowardly as follows.

We can treat ρt(Xt(x))=ϕ(t)\rho_t(X_t(x)) = \phi(t) only as a function of time because along the chracteristic curve, x is fixed as an initial condition. Then we have

ddtϕ(t)=ϕ(t)bt(Xt(x)).\begin{align} \frac{d}{dt} \phi(t) = - \phi(t) \nabla \cdot b_t(X_t(x)). \end{align}

Dividing by ϕ(t)\phi(t) and integrating both sides gives

0tϕ(s)ϕ(s)ds=0tbs(Xs(x))dslogϕ(t)=logϕ(0)0tbs(Xs(x))dsϕ(t)=ϕ(0)e0tbs(Xs(x))ds,\begin{align} \int_0^t \frac{\phi'(s)}{\phi(s)} ds = - \int_0^t \nabla \cdot b_s(X_s(x)) ds \\ \log \phi(t) = \log \phi(0) - \int_0^t \nabla \cdot b_s(X_s(x)) ds \\ \phi(t) = \phi(0)e^{-\int_0^t \nabla \cdot b_s(X_s(x)) ds}, \end{align}

where we can conclude

ρt(Xt(x))=ρ0(x)e0tbs(Xs(x))ds\begin{align} \rho_t(X_t(x)) = \rho_0(x) e^{-\int_0^t \nabla \cdot b_s(X_s(x)) ds} \end{align}

Below, we visualize in Figure 4 solutions to the probability flow ODE to map out the characteristic curves XtX_t as it goes fom X0X_0 to X1X_1 for various initial conditions.

The time evolution of the density \rho_t, typified by characteristic curves X_t (used to define solutions to ) giving us the trajectories of individual particle beginning from their initial conditions. Importantly, the map

Figure 4:The time evolution of the density ρt\rho_t, typified by characteristic curves XtX_t (used to define solutions to (2)) giving us the trajectories of individual particle beginning from their initial conditions. Importantly, the map

For a fixed ρt\rho_t, we may not know what this btb_t is that we need in order to solve the probability flow ODE. In fact, we don’t know it for just about all non-trivial transport problems (except for e.g. Gaussian mixtures)! How can we go about discovering one? Below we’ll implement a learning algorithm to discover what it is that is known as stochastic interpolants or flow matching (Albergo & Vanden-Eijnden (2022), Lipman et al. (2022), Liu et al. (2022)).

Stochastic Interpolants / Flow Matching

As we have said above, our learning problem is: given sample x1ρ1x_1 \sim \rho_1 and a base distribution with density ρ0\rho_0, learn a model to generate samples ρ1\rho_1. We just spent a lot of time analyzing solutions to the continuity equation involving the time dependent density ρt\rho_t and the velocity field btb_t to endow a flow map XtX_t. To learn a map, I need to find a btb_t which solves the transport. But there’s also another problem: many such maps XtX_t exist which meet the criteria that X1(x)=x1ρ1X_1(x) = x_1 \sim \rho_1, depending on the ρt\rho_t you choose, and we haven’t discussed how to choose a ρt\rho_t!

What you’ll define below is a way to do this using the method of stochastic interpolants, which gives us a way to simultaneously choose a time dependent density ρt(x)\rho_t(x) and learn the bb over a parametric function class (neural networks) that performs the associated mapping.

Let’s lay out the steps to do this in code. Here’s what we’ll need:

  • a python package that allows us to perform optimization over our parametric functions using autodifferentiation: PyTorch
  • A way to define and sample under the probability densities ρ0\rho_0 and ρ1\rho_1
  • A neural network that we will use as our model of the velocity field b^t(x)\hat b_t(x)
  • An implementation of the stochastic interpolant and the associated optimization loop used in conjunction with it to fit b^t(x)\hat b_t(x) to the true bt(x)b_t(x).
  • Some visualizations of the results!

We will do this on a toy dataset that defines a distribution in 2-dimensions. Let’s begin!

Software pre-requisites

    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import torch  # 2.0 or greater
    from torch.func import vmap
    print("All packages are installed!")
except ImportError as e:
    print(f"An error occurred: {e}. Please make sure all required packages are installed.")

from typing import Callable
import math
All packages are installed!
def grab(var):
    return var.detach().cpu().numpy()
device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'

Defining and sampling our two distributions

To learn a generative model to sample under ρ1\rho_1, we first need to define what distribution we want to sample from and what distribution we start from!

Let’s say that our data is in R2\mathbb R^2. We will take ρ0\rho_0 as a Normal distribution with mean vector μ=(0,0)\mu = (0,0) and identity covariance Σ=I\Sigma = I so that ρ0N(0,I)\rho_0 \equiv \mathsf N(0, I).

import torch
from torch.distributions import MultivariateNormal

class BaseDistribution:
    def __init__(self, mean, cov):
        self.mean = mean
        self.covariance = cov
        self.distribution = MultivariateNormal(mean, cov)
    def sample(self, n=1):
        Draws $n$ samples from the Gaussian distribution.   
        return self.distribution.sample((n,))
    def log_prob(self, x):
        Evaluates the log probability of given samples $x$ under the distribution. 
        return self.distribution.log_prob(x)

mean = torch.tensor([0.0, 0.0]).to(device)  # \mu \in R^2
cov = torch.tensor([[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0]]).to(device)  # \Sigma \in R^{2x2}

base = BaseDistribution(mean, cov)

Let’s choose our target distribution to be: a checkerboard in in 2d space or a Gaussian Mixture defined as follows:

## checker
# ndim = 2
# def target(bs):
#     x1 = torch.rand(bs) * 4 - 2
#     x2_ = torch.rand(bs) - torch.randint(2, (bs,)) * 2
#     x2 = x2_ + (torch.floor(x1) % 2)
#     return ([x1[:, None], x2[:, None]], 1) * 2)

from torch.distributions.mixture_same_family import MixtureSameFamily
from torch.distributions.normal import Normal
from torch.distributions.categorical import Categorical
from torch.distributions.independent import Independent
from torch.distributions.multivariate_normal import  MultivariateNormal

class Prior(torch.nn.Module):
    Abstract class for prior distributions of normalizing flows. The interface
    is similar to `torch.distributions.distribution.Distribution`, but batching
    is treated differently. Parameters passed to constructors are never batched,
    but are aware of the target (single) sample shape. The `forward` method then
    accepts just the batch size and produces a batch of samples of the known
    def forward(self, batch_size):
        raise NotImplementedError()
    def log_prob(self, x):
        raise NotImplementedError()
    def draw(self, batch_size):
        """Alias of `forward` to allow explicit calls."""
        return self.forward(batch_size)

class GMM(Prior):
    def __init__(self, loc=None, var=None, scale = 1.0, ndim = None, nmix= None, device=device, requires_grad=False):
        self.device = device
        self.scale = scale       ### only specify if loc is None
        def _compute_mu(ndim):
                return self.scale*torch.randn((1,ndim))
        if loc is None:
            self.nmix = nmix
            self.ndim = ndim 
            loc =[_compute_mu(ndim) for i in range(1, self.nmix + 1)], dim=0)
            var = torch.stack([1.0*torch.ones((ndim,)) for i in range(nmix)])
            self.nmix = loc.shape[0]
            self.ndim = loc.shape[1] ### locs should have shape [n_mix, ndim]
        self.loc = loc   ### locs should have shape [n_mix, ndim]
        self.var = var   ### should have shape [n_mix, ndim]
        if requires_grad:
        mix = Categorical(torch.ones(self.nmix,).to(device))
        comp = Independent(Normal(
                     self.loc, self.var), 1)
        self.dist = MixtureSameFamily(mix, comp)
    def log_prob(self, x):
        logp = self.dist.log_prob(x)
        return logp
    def forward(self, batch_size):
        x = self.dist.sample((batch_size,))
        return x
    def rsample(self, batch_size):
        x = self.dist.rsample((batch_size,))
        return x
nmix = 8
ndim = 2
def _compute_mu(i):
            return 5.0 * torch.Tensor([[
                        torch.tensor(i * math.pi / 4).sin(),
                        torch.tensor(i * math.pi / 4).cos()]]).to(device)
mus_target = torch.stack([_compute_mu(i) for i in range(nmix)]).squeeze(1).to(device)
var_target = torch.stack([torch.tensor([0.7, 0.7]) for i in range(nmix)]).to(device)

target = GMM(mus_target, var_target)
target_samples  = target(10000)

Below we can visualize both of the distributions by drawing samples from them and plotting them

bs = 5000
c = '#62508f' # plot color

x0s = grab(base.sample(bs))
x1s = grab(target(bs))

fig, (ax0, ax1) = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(10,5))

ax0.scatter(x0s[:,0], x0s[:,1], alpha = 0.5, c = c);
ax0.set_xlim(-4,4), ax0.set_ylim(-4,4)
ax0.set_title(r"Samples under $\rho_0$", fontsize = 16)
ax0.set_xticks([-4,0,4]), ax0.set_yticks([-4,0,4])

ax1.scatter(x1s[:,0], x1s[:,1], alpha = 0.5, c = c);
ax1.set_xlim(-8,8), ax1.set_ylim(-8,8)
ax1.set_title(r"Samples under $\rho_1$", fontsize = 16)
ax1.set_xticks([-4,0,4]), ax1.set_yticks([-4,0,4]);;
<Figure size 720x360 with 2 Axes>

Building a map between ρ0\rho_0 and ρ1\rho_1 with the interpolant

You have been learning in class that you can use the method of stochastic interpolants to define a time dependent density ρt(x)\rho_t(x) that connects ρ0\rho_0 to ρ1\rho_1 and allows us to learn the associated velocity field bt(x)b_t(x) that would map samples from one to samples from another.

Let’s introduce the interpolant function here and make some statements about it. The stochastic interpolant ItI_t is a stochastic process given as:

It=αtx0+βtx1wherex0ρ0 and x1ρ1I_t = \alpha_t x_0 + \beta_t x_1 \quad \text{where} x_0 \sim \rho_0 \text{ and } x_1 \sim \rho_1
  • When x0,x1x_0, x_1 are drawn accordingly, we say that the stochastic interpolant ItI_t is a sample under the time dependent density i.e. Itρt(x)I_t \sim \rho_t(x).
  • The velocity field associated to this ρt(x)\rho_t(x) is given by the conditional expectation of the time dynamics of the interpolant, namely:
bt(x)=E[I˙tIt=x]b_t(x) = \mathbb E[ \dot I_t | I_t = x]

What do we mean when we say ItI_t samples ρt(x)\rho_t(x)? Well let’s take a look by implementing it. We will make a class called Interpolant that implements ItI_t and its time derivative.

## using alpha(t) = (1-t) and beta(t) = t
class Interpolant:
    def alpha(self, t):
        return 1.0 - t
    def dotalpha(self, t):
        return -1.0 + 0*t
    def beta(self, t):
        return t
    def dotbeta(self, t):
        return 1.0 + 0*t
    def _single_xt(self, x0, x1, t):
        return self.alpha(t)*x0 + self.beta(t)*x1
    def _single_dtxt(self, x0, x1, t):
        return self.dotalpha(t)*x0 + self.dotbeta(t)*x1
    def xt(self, x0, x1, t):
        return vmap(self._single_xt, in_dims=(0, 0, 0))(x0,x1,t)
    def dtxt(self, x0, x1, t):
        return vmap(self._single_dtxt, in_dims=(0, 0, 0))(x0,x1,t)
interpolant = Interpolant()

bs  = 10000
x0s = base.sample(bs).to(device)
x1s = target(bs).to(device)
t   = 0.2*torch.ones(bs).to(device)

xts = interpolant.xt(x0s, x1s, t)

In the above code, we implement the interpolant for a single sample of x0x_0, x1x_1, and tt, which have shape [d], [d], [1] respectively. Then, we use a tool in pytorch called vmap which allows us to generalize the code for arbitrary batches of samples of x0,x1x_0, x_1 and tt. That way, if I have NN samples of x0x_0, x1x_1 and tt, I can compute the interpolant for all NN of them at once using vmap.

This means I can feed the function interpolant.xt a batch of samples of shape [N, d] for x0x_0 and x1x_1 and of shape [N] for time.

Let’s see what happens when I sample ρt(x)\rho_t(x) at various times along [0,1][0,1]:

bs = 8000
ncol = 6
ts   = torch.linspace(0, 1, ncol)
c = '#62508f'

fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, ncol, figsize=(ncol*4,4))

for i, t in enumerate(ts):
    tt  = t.repeat(bs).to(device)
    x0s = base.sample(bs).to(device)
    x1s = target(bs).to(device)
    xts = interpolant.xt(x0s, x1s, tt)
    axes[i].scatter(grab(xts[:,0]), grab(xts[:,1]), alpha = 0.08, c = c); # plot samples x_t \sim \rho_t
    axes[i].set_title(r'$\rho(t = %.1f)$' % t, fontsize = 20, weight='bold')
    if i !=0:
<Figure size 1728x288 with 6 Axes>

Neural Network b^t(x)\hat b_t(x) to model bt(x)b_t(x)

Now we need to define a neural network which has learnable parameters to model bt(x)b_t(x). Recall that the velocity field takes in a time coordinate and a spatial sample which is R2\mathbb R^2. This means that our neural network approximation b^t(x)\hat b_t(x) should be a function that has an input size of 1+space dim=31 + \text{space dim} = 3 and should have an output dimension of space dim=2\text{space dim} = 2.

To define a neural network, we’ll use PyTorch’s torch.nn.Module library which allows us to compose parts of the neural network in a way that allows us to take derivatives with respect to the networks weights:

from torch.func import jacrev, grad

class VelocityField(torch.nn.Module):
    # a neural network that takes x in R^d and t in [0, 1] and outputs a a value in R^d
    def __init__(self, d,  hidden_sizes = [256, 256], activation=torch.nn.ReLU):
        super(VelocityField, self).__init__()
        layers = []
        prev_dim = d + 1  #
        for hidden_size in hidden_sizes:
            layers.append(torch.nn.Linear(prev_dim, hidden_size))
            prev_dim = hidden_size  # Update last_dim for the next layer

        # final layer
        layers.append(torch.nn.Linear(prev_dim, d))
        # Wrap all layers in a Sequential module = torch.nn.Sequential(*layers)
    def _single_forward(self, x, t):  
        t = t.unsqueeze(-1)
        return, t)))
    def forward(self, x, t):
        return vmap(self._single_forward, in_dims=(0,0), out_dims=(0))(x,t)


Let’s check to make sure our neural network class works by making some fake data and seeing that it outputs something of the right shape

d = 2
b =  VelocityField(d, hidden_sizes=[512, 512, 512]).to(device)

bs = 10 ## simple test batch size
x = torch.rand(bs, d).to(device)
t = torch.rand(bs).to(device)
out = b.forward(x,t) ## should output something of shape [bs, d]
torch.Size([10, 2])

Loss function and learning

Now that we have a suitable neural network to optimize, we need to specify the learning rule to update the weights of b^t(x)\hat b_t(x).

Given that the velocity field of the interpolant is bt(x)=E[I˙tIt=x]b_t(x) = \mathbb E [ \dot I_t | I_t = x], it should be the unique minimizer of the least squares loss given by:

L[b^]=01Eb^(t,It)I˙t2dt \mathcal L[\hat b] = \int_0^1 \mathbb E| \hat b(t,I_t) - \dot I_t|^2 dt

where expectation is taken over (x0,x1)ρ(x0,x1)(x_0, x_1) \sim \rho(x_0, x_1).

Let’s go ahead and implement this in code:

def _single_loss(b, interpolant, x0, x1, t):
    Interpolant loss function for a single datapoint of (x0, x1, t).
    It   = interpolant._single_xt(  x0, x1, t)
    dtIt = interpolant._single_dtxt(x0, x1, t)
    bt          = b._single_forward(It, t)
    loss        = 0.5*torch.sum(bt**2) - torch.sum((dtIt) * bt)
    return loss

loss_fn = vmap(_single_loss, in_dims=(None, None, 0, 0, 0), out_dims=(0), randomness='different')

N = 10
x0s = base.sample(N).to(device)
x1s = target(N).to(device)
ts  = torch.rand(N).to(device)
loss_fn(b, interpolant, x0s, x1s, ts).mean()
tensor(0.2853, device='cuda:0', grad_fn=<MeanBackward0>)

Training step

Now that we have constructed our loss, let’s put it in a loop to interatively update the parameters of b^\hat b as we move toward the minimizer of L[b^]\mathcal L[\hat b].

To perform this parameter update, we need to introduce a pytorch optimizer that performs the gradient update for us. We do that via the following, specifying a learning rate lr. We use the Adam optimizer, which is a fancier version of SGD.

lrb = 2e-3 ## learning rate
opt = torch.optim.Adam([
    {'params': b.parameters(), 'lr': lrb} ])
sched = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(opt, step_size=1500, gamma=0.6)

Now lets use it in a function called train_step which will perform our iteration:

def train_step(b, interpolant, opt, sched, N):
    ## draw N samples form each distribtuion and from time uniformly
    x0s = base.sample(N).to(device)
    x1s = target(N).to(device)
    ts  = torch.rand(N).to(device)
    # evaluate loss 
    loss_val = loss_fn(b, interpolant, x0s, x1s, ts).mean()
    # perform backprop
    res = {
            'loss': loss_val.detach(),
    return res

Running the Training

We are now ready to train our model. Let’s build a loop that runs for n_opt stepsand store the loss over time.

n_opt = 5000
bs    = 2500
losses = []
from tqdm import tqdm
pbar = tqdm(range(n_opt))
for i in pbar:
    res = train_step(b, interpolant, opt, sched, bs)
    loss = grab(res['loss'])
    pbar.set_description(f'Loss: {loss:.4f}')
Loss: -8.8316: 100%|██████████| 5000/5000 [00:13<00:00, 362.18it/s]
<Figure size 432x288 with 1 Axes>

Implementing the ODE integrator

Now that we’ve learned bt(x)b_t(x), we can use it in the probability flow ODE

X˙t(x)=bt(Xt(x))\dot X_t(x) = b_t(X_t(x))

to get our generative model. To solve this ODE, we will use the Euler method, and iterate on the procedure:

Xt+Δt=Xt+Δtbt(Xt),Xt=0ρ0,X_{t + \Delta t} = X_t + \Delta t \, b_t(X_t), \qquad X_{t=0} \sim \rho_0, \qquad

We will do this with the following class called ODEIntegrator which implements the iterative step and performs the rollout over the interval t[0,1]t \in [0,1].

class ODE:
    def __init__(self, b, interpolant, n_step):
        self.b           = b
        self.interpolant = interpolant
        self.n_step      = n_step
        self.ts          = torch.linspace(0.0,1.0, n_step + 1).to(device)
        self.dt          = self.ts[1] - self.ts[0]
    def step(self, x, t):
        return x + self.b(x, t)*self.dt 
    def solve(self, x_init):
        bs = x_init.shape[0]
        xs = torch.zeros((self.n_step, *x_init.shape))
        x = x_init
        for i,t in enumerate(self.ts[:-1]):
            t = t.repeat(len(x))
            x = self.step(x,t)
            xs[i] = x
        return xs
ode  = ODE(b, interpolant, n_step = 80)

x_init = base.sample(20000).to(device)
xfs    = ode.solve(x_init)
x1s = grab(xfs[-1])

Implementing the SDE integrator

We can also use the velocity field bt(x)b_t(x) in the generative model based on the SDE

dXt(x)=b(t,Xt(x))+ϵtst(Xt)dt+2ϵtdWtdX_t(x) = b(t,X_t(x)) + \epsilon_t s_t(X_t)dt + \sqrt{2\epsilon_t} dW_t

where st(x)s_t(x) is the score and ϵt0\epsilon_t\ge 0 is the diffusion coefficient. To get st(x)s_t(x) we can use its relation to bt(x)b_t(x):

st(x)=βtbt(x)β˙txαt(αtβ˙tα˙βt)s_t(x) = \frac{\beta_t b_t(x)-\dot\beta_t x}{\alpha_t(\alpha_t\dot\beta_t-\dot\alpha\beta_t)}

Since α1=0\alpha_1 =0, to avoid problems near t=1t=1, below we will use ϵt=ϵαt\epsilon_t = \epsilon \alpha_t for some constant ϵ>0\epsilon >0, and calculate directly αtst(x)\alpha_t s_t(x) instead of st(x)s_t(x).

To solve the SDE, we will use the Euler-Maruyama method, and iterate on the procedure:

Xt+Δt=Xt+Δtbt(Xt)+Δtϵtst(Xt)+2ϵtΔtξt,xt=0ρ0,X_{t + \Delta t} = X_t + \Delta t \, b_t(X_t) + \Delta t \, \epsilon_t s_t(X_t) + \sqrt{2\epsilon_t\Delta t}\, \xi_t, \qquad x_{t=0} \sim \rho_0, \qquad

where ξtN(0,Id)\xi_t\sim N(0,\text{Id}).

We will do this with the following class called SDEIntegrator which implements the iterative step and performs the rollout over the interval t[0,1]t \in [0,1].

class SDE:
    def __init__(self, b, interpolant, eps, n_step):
        self.b           = b
        self.interpolant = interpolant
        self.n_step      = n_step
        self.ts          = torch.linspace(0.0,0.99, n_step + 1).to(device)
        self.dt          = self.ts[1] - self.ts[0]
        self.eps         =
        self.sqrtepsdt   = torch.sqrt(torch.tensor(2.0)*self.eps*self.dt).to(device)
    def alphascore(self, x, t):
        alpha = self.interpolant.alpha(t).unsqueeze(-1)
        dotalpha = self.interpolant.dotalpha(t).unsqueeze(-1)
        beta = self.interpolant.beta(t).unsqueeze(-1)
        dotbeta = self.interpolant.dotbeta(t).unsqueeze(-1)

        return (beta*self.b(x, t)-dotbeta*x)/(alpha*dotbeta-dotalpha*beta)
    def step(self, x, t):
        alpha = self.interpolant.alpha(t).unsqueeze(-1)
        return x + (self.b(x, t)+self.eps*self.alphascore(x, t))*self.dt + self.sqrtepsdt*torch.sqrt(alpha)*torch.randn(x.size()).to(device)
    def solve(self, x_init):
        bs = x_init.shape[0]
        xs = torch.zeros((self.n_step, *x_init.shape))
        x = x_init
        for i,t in enumerate(self.ts[:-1]):
            t = t.repeat(len(x))
            x = self.step(x,t)
            xs[i] = x
        return xs
sde  = SDE(b, interpolant, eps = torch.tensor(2.0), n_step = 80)

# x_init = base.sample(20000)
xf2s    = sde.solve(x_init).to(device)
x2s = grab(xf2s[-1])

Now let’s plot the results of our generative models:

c = '#62508f' # plot color
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(10,5))
axes[0].scatter(x1s[:,0], x1s[:,1], alpha = 0.03, c = c)
axes[0].set_title(r"Samples from the prob. flow ODE", fontsize = 18)
axes[0].set_xticks([-4,0,4]), axes[0].set_yticks([-4,0,4]);

axes[1].scatter(x2s[:,0], x2s[:,1], alpha = 0.03, c = c)
axes[1].set_title(r"Samples from the SDE", fontsize = 18)
axes[1].set_xticks([-4,0,4]), axes[1].set_yticks([-4,0,4]);

<Figure size 720x360 with 2 Axes>

What’s next?

Now that we’ve built out the machinery for learning a dynamical generative model for a simple 2D distribution, we can turn to ask about image generation, which for coding purposes just means replacing our feed forward neural network with a much better one (that we’ll see on the next page), and loading a different data source. Let’s proceeed to that.

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